24 Mar 2022

Why we made the Jigs & Fixtures Market Update

For the past few months, we’ve been gathering and compiling data about jigs & fixtures suppliers in the United Kingdom.

The research we have collated includes staff datafinancial information, and the latest news. It’s sourced from Companies House, the suppliers’ own websites, and their social media profiles (if applicable).  

You might have already seen us posting about it on social media, or perhaps you received an email about it.

But whether in conversation with our clients, on social media, or in replies to our emails, one question always crops up: why?  

Page 2 Excerpt from the UK Jigs and Fixtures Supplier Market Update, March 2022
Page 2 from the Jigs & Fixtures Market Update (March 22)

Why are we publishing data that could potentially promote our competitors and introduce you to companies you may never have heard of?

We’ve not gone mad. Honest.

It's been a tough couple of years for our customers: Brexit; crowded supply chains; COVID-19. It's unsurprising that procurement has been impacted.

And we believe in creating value for our customers and the wider manufacturing community. That means giving you anything we can that is useful or interesting. That’s not just jigs and fixtures – it’s also tips and advice.

For that reason, we thought providing an insight into our industry will help you when you’re selecting suppliers. We hope you find it useful – whether you end up buying from us, or someone else.

We also hope that by making this data available to everyone, we’re doing our part in making the manufacturing world more transparent and mutually beneficial.

So, if you’re…

  • looking for a new supplier,
  • supplementing your current supplier,
  • a supplier yourself,
  • or simply curious about the state of the market,

this update is for you.

Click here to download the very first jigs & fixtures market update for March 2022 and subscribe to future updates

Want more fixture procurement intel? Try our buyers guide. In the guide, we cover: how much a checking fixture costs (including hidden costs); how to optimise your RFQs; useful questions to ask your supplier; and how to reduce your checking fixture costs.

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